
  • Howard Dean, Governor of Vermont 1991-2003

    "I first met Esther when I was considering running for office, and I was impressed by her love for Vermont and her passion for politics. Her platform, which focuses on Education, Climate, and Housing, aligns absolutely with the needs and aspirations of Vermonters. Esther's drive for change, enthusiasm for political service, and sincere dedication to her community position her as an exceptional leader. I firmly believe she has the qualities necessary to be the next governor of Vermont."

  • David Zuckerman

    “I proudly support Esther for Governor because she champions action to support Vermonters today. She advocates for a 100% clean energy future, and harm reduction-based solutions to address the opioid epidemic, including overdose prevention centers. She has an openness to creative solutions to our affordable housing crisis and offers collaborative progressive solutions for our education and tax systems. We need a governor who, when faced with difficult issues, does not shy away from the moment. Esther will be a governor who works side by side with policymakers and department heads, and she cares deeply about the state she has chosen to live in and raise her family. A vote for Esther is a vote for proactive positive change. Let's work together to build a Vermont that supports everyone.”

  • Emma Mulvaney-Stanak

    “As a former labor organizer, I have a desire to see our public servants champion the rights of workers, better the lives of their families, and strive for all of Vermont’s residents to have a seat at the table where our future is decided. Esther Charlestin embodies this vision with her unwavering commitment to ensuring everyone in Vermont has access to housing, quality education, public safety, livable wages, collective bargaining, and a habitable climate. Her experience, vision, and profound compassion make her ready to lead Vermont into a brighter future. I am proud to endorse her for Governor.”

Endorse Esther!

Are you a community leader, neighbor, parent, educator, Vermonter, or simply someone who cares? We want your endorsement!

Join us in supporting Esther Charlestin's campaign for Governor. By adding your name to our list of endorsers, you’ll help promote Esther’s vision for a better Vermont. Your endorsement will be featured on our literature and other promotional materials.

Thank you for your support!